HOW Leadership Conference

Tuesday, May 13

11:30 am – 12:30 am

A Designed Life: What Were We Thinking? What Are We Thinking Now?

Auditorium   Level 2

Step ahead of your competition by learning from some of the best problem solvers and thought leaders in the industry. Experience speaks volumes, and in this session with design pioneers Michael Donovan and Nancye Greene, you’ll follow their journey from the inception of their firm to its current successes. See how the principles they believed in when they began have been remained and have defined their work. 

With six start-ups, fourteen boards, two children, a dog and a 166-year-old house, Michael and Nancye are experiencing one of the most exciting years of their professional lives. In the first week of 2014, they launched “Outer Places, where science meets science fiction.” This new online business will evolve into a full retail destination — a true “clicks-to-bricks” strategy. Michael and Nancye will also work closely with a bio-pharma company to launch a number of cutting-edge medical solutions, which will save tens of thousands of lives. And they will help build new, fast-growing companies serving customers from children-at-play to adults managing chronic disease.

So how did they get to the point where they could partner with clients as true equals and choose meaningful projects?

When they started, they thought the work they were doing was valuable. Having done the work for several decades, inventing and evolving, they’re convinced the work does create value. They look forward to sharing what they have learned — successes, failures and uncertain outcomes — in their attempt to define their own destiny and to help others do the same.

3 Main Take-Aways:

  1. Learn to leverage your talent to become a true partner with clients
  2. Be able to articulate your vision and use it as your defining motivation
  3. Cultivate relationships, not just clients, to foster meaningful (and lucrative) connections
Add session to Favorites Michael P. DonovanSpeakerNancye GreenSpeaker