Sponsored Sessions

Wednesday, May 14

2:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Growth Hackers: How to Keep Your Company Innovative – Sponsored by Depositphotos

Room 210   Level 2
Learn how to design an innovative company using growth hackers’ methods. Elena Flanagan-Eister will discuss how the start-up approach to creativity, life hacking, and new methods of building new companies and turning around exciting ones have all drastically shifted our understanding of how companies and products are being introduced to the market. You’ll discover new ways to innovate from within and challenge the status quo to resegment the existing market. 3 Main Take aways:
  1. Learn how to hire and motivate growth hackers.
  2. Get tips on designing an effective communication system between remote offices and employees. #cloudteams
  3. Find out what the new-age leadership is—and how vulnerability pays off.
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