HOW Design Conference
Thursday, May 15
11:30 am 12:30 pm
Designers and Communication: The Past and Present
Ballroom C   Level 3Get an encouraging confirmation of why attending HOW Design Live is so important to your creativity. In this session, Riley Cran will present a look at the close-knit nature of creative communities, and how historically they have used technology to communicate a message to the world—and to each other—and to push the boundaries of their craft. Examples will be drawn from Riley’s own experiences managing The Lost Type Co-Op, a collaborative type foundry which has involved more than 50 designers from around the world, as well as the relationships between some of history’s most admired and celebrated creative minds.
3 Main Take-Aways:
- The creative mind needs input, and has historically sought the respect and feedback of other creative minds
- Designers regularly take advantage of the latest technologies for their communication
- In the end, our work is improved by collaboration, mentorship and association with our fellow creatives