Creative Freelancer Business Conference

Wednesday, May 14

2:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Sales & Self-Promotion Strategies for Creatives

Room 302   Level 3

Tired of that notorious feast or famine cycle? Then bring your business to the next level by learning how to create sales and self-promotion strategies that will keep your pipeline full of qualified prospects. You’ll learn how to identify your target client (while weeding out any bad apples), approach prospects in a meaningful and consistent way using a defined sales cycle, and supplement your active business development efforts with more passive, but still very effective, marketing techniques.

3 Main Take-Aways:

  1. Identify and talk to your target client based on your specific creative niche.
  2. Develop a multi-step sales cycle to contact prospects in a meaningful and consistent way.
  3. Supplement your active business development efforts with more passive marketing techniques.
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