In-House Management Conference
Thursday, May 15
10:15 am 11:15 am
Selling Ideas
Ballroom B   Level 3It’s not enough to have good ideas — you must also be able to present and sell those ideas to your boss, internal clients and other decision makers. This popular session, based on the book, IdeaSelling, will teach you how to connect with decision makers, how to put together winning pitches and how to sharpen presentation skills, whether standing before a group or meeting across a table.
Content includes:
- Knowing the decision makerʼs point of view.
- Understanding where your client sits on the Buyerʼs Bench.
- Strategic timing.
- Five secrets for preparing your pitch.
- Staying focused.
- Having a strong start.
- Using simple language.
- Painting pictures.
- Adding interest.
- Turning objections into questions.
- Picking your battles.
- The power of “because.”
- Building a missile defense system.
- And more!