HOW Design Conference

Monday, May 12

2:45 pm – 3:45 pm

Shut Your Monkey: How to Control Your Inner Critic and Unleash Your Creativity

Room 304-306   Level 3

Learn how your inner critic, once managed, can inspire better work. As a creative professional, you no doubt understand how to respond to your bosses’ and clients’ feedback, but you likely still have to contend with the nagging, judgmental voice in your head. Drawing on his thirty years of experience as a creative director and author, Danny Gregory will point out all the ways this “monkey” can sabotage your project, but can also make it better. He’ll show you techniques to put your inner critic in its place and understand its role and purpose in the creative process.

3 Main Take-Aways:

  1. Learn to accept the inner critic as a normal part of every creative’s inner life.
  2. Develop means of effectively channeling it, so that it will not undermine or limit your career.
  3. Cultivate new approaches to mastering your “monkey voice” that will give you confidence and new purpose.
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