HOW Design Conference

Thursday, May 15

3:15 pm – 4:15 pm

Tools of the Trade

Ballroom C   Level 3

You’re sure to enjoy this purposeful session, designed to help you to identify real-world interactive solutions and tools. How are all of those great interactive things getting made? How do you pick the right tool for the job, when the tools (and sometimes the jobs) are constantly evolving? Matthew Richmond will tackle everything from desktop design and development tools to online/mobile solutions for building and scripting interactive projects. You will be looking at creative design tools, wireframing/prototyping tools, site building and fantastic open source frameworks/libraries that enable designers to stand tall in today’s world of fancy, high-impact, standards-based interactive projects.

3 Main Take-Aways:
  1. Many complex-looking internet thingies are really not that complex.
  2. See what interactive design tools and tricks are used by the speakers of HOW.
  3. Find out what modern, web-standards-loving interactive designers should be learning & studying.
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