Christopher Durham
President/Chief Strategist
My Private Brand

Christopher Durham is a consultant, strategist and retailer with close to 20 years of real-world retail and corporate experience creating, launching and building numerous billion dollar Private Brands. His influential website, My Private Brand, seeks to drive the changing Private Brand landscape, focusing on the emerging art and science of Private Brand management. While working at Lowe’s Home Improvement, he worked as a brand manager focused on private brand strategy and, over five years, created, managed or repositioned many of its private brands. Prior to Lowe’s, he served as Brand Manager at Delhaize America where he developed and delivered retail brand marketing as well as Private Brand strategy and development for Food Lion, Bloom, Bottom Dollar and Harvey’s.Christopher’s first book Fifty2: The My Private Brand Project will be published in early 2014. He is a columnist for Global Retail Brands magazine and a regular contributor to Private Label Buyer magazine.
Sessions presenting:
Thursday, May 15The Private Brand Revolution Revealed: Fifty2, The My Private Brand Project10:15am 11:15am